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Pneumofore at Asia CanTech 2019


Pneumofore at Asia CanTech 2019

Pneumofore at Asia CanTech 2019

The Asia CanTech 2019 conference in Bangkok had an enormous success with prestigious guests from South East Asia, seeking for the latest technology and innovations in can manufacturing. The event confirmed to be a must-attend networking platform to connect with all the industry’s top-players. Pneumofore featured among the key-note speakers and introduced its centralized vacuum and compressed air solutions for can lines with the presentation “No Air, No Cans” hold by the President, Eng. Daniel Hilfiker. The discussion focused on various topics, including: the full PLC monitoring integration in can factories; the Variable Speed operation of vacuum pumps and compressors; the optimized efficiency as result of precise pressure level setting; and the advantages of the low pressure loop. The talk attracted great attention, considering that 50% of the electrical energy in 2-piece can lines is spent on running compressors and vacuum pumps. Eng. Hilfiker highlighted the importance to consider the operating costs over 10 years, the extended performance warranties and the environmental impact before purchasing a new vacuum or compressed air system. Pneumofore has enthusiastic global references including, without going too far from Asia CanTech, the endorsement of the over 40 units of UV Series vacuum pumps and A Series air compressor operating in Thailand. Running 24/7 since 2007 with no overhauling need, these 12-year installations underpins the durable and trouble-free performance of Pneumofore machines.