A Clear Life Cycle Cost Picture at Latamcan 2021

In a 15-year comparison, the electricity cost of running a 250 kW compressor exceeds the initial purchasing cost of more than 30 times. This is the average result by considering capex and power consumption cost only, but it can be even more impressive if after-sale maintenance, shut-down time and overhauling costs are added. This was the highlight presented by Pneumofore at Latamcan 2021, one of the major international conferences and the most important technical event for the Latin America metal packaging sector. Hold in Mexico City from September 22 to 24, the event represented a must-attend opportunity for face-to-face meetings in these years of restrictions. At the conference, the CEO of Pneumofore, Rolf Hilfiker, was welcomed as a keynote speaker and pointed out how a clear view over the entire Life Cycle Cost picture is essential before any purchasing decision. With rising energy costs and automation needs, canmakers are increasingly asking for tailored vacuum and compressed air systems integrated with plant supervision software for controlling the entire production process and the facilities. The ability of adapt its machines to the specific requests and PLC / HMI protocols needed by the customers is Pneumofore’s feather in the cap. Combined with the proven reliability and constant efficiency of its Rotary Vane technology, Pneumofore represents the benchmark on the market. In Latin America, the company is the preferred supplier of Envases Universales for the supply of vacuum, low and high pressure with numbers of installations running for international groups like Ball Corporation, Crown and Can-Pack in Central & South America.ooled UV Series vacuum pumps.