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Author: pn-mkt

Surpassing Expectations at Ardagh Glass

Surpassing Expectations at Ardagh Glass

Pneumofore machines are sold with pay-back calculations. For our customers, the average Return on Investment is 36 months, sometimes even less. With a sharp analysis of the present status and the expected future situation, our engineers estimate the achievable energy savings over years of operation. Catalogue data are not sufficient to effectively compare machinery alternatives. For this reason, clients rightly give rising relevance to guaranteed efficiency values and require quantitative statements on after-sale costs. On these core topics, Pneumofore is well positioned. The picture shows 3 air-cooled vacuum pumps, model UV50 VS, running at Ardagh Glass in Doncaster(UK) since September 2020. Pneumofore agreed on installing this vacuum system with the guarantee of 20% less energy usage than the previous system. At the commissioning made by our technicians, the saving in electrical consumption was measured to be at least 24%. The customer exclaimed: ”Pneumofore is over-performing!”

2020 News & Events

home : media : NEWS & EVENTS NEWS & EVENTS var htmlDiv = document.getElementById("rs-plugin-settings-inline-css"); var htmlDivCss=""; if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; }else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement("div"); htmlDiv.innerHTML = "" + htmlDivCss + ""; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } /****************************************** - PREPARE PLACEHOLDER FOR SLIDER - ******************************************/ var setREVStartSize=function(){ try{var e=new Object,i=jQuery(window).width(),t=9999,r=0,n=0,l=0,f=0,s=0,h=0; e.c = jQuery('#rev_slider_11_1'); e.gridwidth =... READ MORE
Testing the Second Compression Stage

Testing the Second Compression Stage

A new machine is born. Pneumofore engineers met the challenge to design a second gas compression stage from 8 to 14 bar(g). We worked for months to prepare the prototype in order to satisfy the request of a European liquefied natural gas processing company, which had contacted +10 other companies but without any result. The gas processed is mostly CH4. The compressor is Atex certified, assembled as Skid and with FAD flow of 6.000 l/min. After the fine-tuning of pressure and temperature, we have now set the optimal operation limits. This is a completely innovative solution, as we have no knowledge of the existence of any other similar solution, based on the Rotary Vane technology.

Vacuum Engineering for 2-year Payback

Vacuum Engineering for 2-year Payback

An outstanding report about amazing results obtained by the total remake of the vacuum system at the Ball plant located in Milton Keynes, UK.

Having concluded that the original 6 screw vacuum pumps setup was too costly to maintain, the Company considered a vacuum system upgrade. Confronted with an expensive quotation for overhauling, the customer evaluated its total replacement. The time was right also for a complete remake of the pipeline system with the installation of a new vacuum receiver of 10.000 liters, in order to avoid vacuum level fluctuations in production. Pneumofore was contacted, the machine quotation for 3 x UV50 VS90 vacuum pumps was about 220.000 GBP, the required additional pipeline works were quoted for 150.000 GBP, the total amount of 370.000 GBP had to be repaid in savings within 24 months.

The remake of the vacuum piping system, according to Pneumofore specifications, was of central importance. The vacuum pumps alone would not have allowed the impressive short payback. The 6 dated screw pumps were finally replaced in 2019 with the 3 x UV50 VS90. All new pumps were equipped with a Variable Speed drive and interconnection to share the workload and hours. During the start-up the local team was trained to operate the new pumps and now, after about 1 year, the first status analysis was performed in occasion of the yearly ordinary maintenance operations. The monitoring of total power consumption provided precise data, which permitted an accurate calculation of savings. The annual savings of 170.000 GBP in electrical power consumption alone was confirmed. Within the first year also the maintenance cost was reduced by more than 15.000 GBP. The life expectancy of UV pumps is +20 years. In case of continuous running, the overhaul is recommended after 12 years of operation. Hundreds of UV pumps worldwide prove that proper maintenance can stretch the machine life expectancy to +20 years without overhauling, as the performance of the Pneumofore Rotary Vane pumps remains constant in time. With a very cautious estimate of 10 years pump’s life, we estimate that the yearly saving of 185.000 GBP confirms the payback of the new Vacuum System in less than 2 years and it will continue to save electricity and maintenance cost for the total of additional 1.480.000 GBP in the 8 years to come.

Not only the machine investment but the total expense for completely new machines, plus the full remake of the piping system, has yielded the expected Return on Investment period of 24 months.

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication*

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication*

The most popular Pneumofore product is the UV50 Vacuum Pump. Here are 5 units being prepared for shipping. They will be in operation at a major European hollow glass manufacturing plant. All these pumps are air-cooled, equipped with Variable Speed drive for frequency variation from 30 to 65 Hz. This allows a wide range of capacity from 1.650 to 17.800 m3/h, at any vacuum level setpoint between 50 and 450 mbar(a), [16 to 28,4‘’ Hg vacuum] with constant efficiency. The customer chose Rockwell components for the electrical cabinet. They are all equipped with PLC for remote control by means of the exclusive Pneumofore central vacuum system management device, named VacMan.
Pneumofore flexibility in adapting to special customer requests highlights the competence of our engineering team and sets us apart from our competitors. In the long run, the features of the UV50 pumps which are highly respected by our global users are not necessarily of an electronic nature. Provided the setup of the entire vacuum system is properly dimensioned and fine-tuned, what operators value is the speed and low need of service. The simple and infrequent maintenance requirements notably contribute to the engineering appeal of the UV50, which is the largest and only single stage, air-cooled pump with life expectancy of greater than 20 years.

* cit. Leonardo Da Vinci

Vacuum System for Glass Manufacturing at O-I Italy

Vacuum System for Glass Manufacturing at O-I Italy

The Italian glassmaker Vetrerie Meridionali, part of the O-I Group, world’s leader in the hollow glass industry, has relied on Pneumofore vacuum pumps since 1971. Vacuum is very important in glass manufacturing: it optimizes the glass moulding process, it improves the container glass quality and it increases the production speed of the IS machines. After 50 years of constant efficiency and non-stop vacuum, the company renewed its collaboration with Pneumofore with a new centralized, air-cooled vacuum system designed for higher efficiency and unmatchable energy savings.

Focus on Energy Efficiency at Latamcan

Focus on Energy Efficiency at Latamcan

As a leading supplier of centralized vacuum and air systems for the 2-pcs can industry, Pneumofore was welcomed as a keynote speaker at Latamcan 2020, the technical conference and exhibition for canmakers and suppliers operating in the Latin America metal packaging sector. Held in São Paulo, Brazil, the event is among the major international conferences and tradeshows of this sector. High audience participation and interest was raised by the low Life Cycle Cost approach of Pneumofore Rotary Vane solutions, presented at the technical forum by Rolf Hilfiker, Pneumofore CEO. The presentation focused on the high energy savings that can be achieved with the correct pressure setting in the supply of compressed air and vacuum. In particular, in 2-pc can production, the splitting of compressed air in high and low pressure loops can be extremely cost effective. On the vacuum side, a conservative high vacuum level approach is often useless, unexpectedly highly expensive and not environmentally friendly. The company’s environmental values versus planned obsolescence, water waste and carbon emissions was also highly appreciated. The expanding presence in Central and South America is an acknowledgment of Pneumofore commitment to supply the can industry with pneumatic machines designed for maximum durability, energy efficiency and constant performance over time.

Tailored Machine Language Solutions

Tailored Machine Language Solutions

Addressing the bespoke needs of our clientele is of key importance to Pneumofore. With a growing base of global customers having diverse specifications, our company is set to manufacture tailored machines and to answer any particular client’s request. This is the case of large industrial systems with monitoring integration that allows the direct communication between the machine room and the mostly PLC-driven controls. Our team of highly skilled engineers is constantly working to find better communication solutions, individually customized with specific components and languages.

2019 News & Events

home : media : NEWS & EVENTS NEWS & EVENTS var htmlDiv = document.getElementById("rs-plugin-settings-inline-css"); var htmlDivCss=""; if(htmlDiv) { htmlDiv.innerHTML = htmlDiv.innerHTML + htmlDivCss; }else{ var htmlDiv = document.createElement("div"); htmlDiv.innerHTML = "" + htmlDivCss + ""; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(htmlDiv.childNodes[0]); } /****************************************** - PREPARE PLACEHOLDER FOR SLIDER - ******************************************/ var setREVStartSize=function(){ try{var e=new Object,i=jQuery(window).width(),t=9999,r=0,n=0,l=0,f=0,s=0,h=0; e.c = jQuery('#rev_slider_11_3'); e.gridwidth =... READ MORE
12.800 m3/h Centralized Vacuum in Mexico

12.800 m3/h Centralized Vacuum in Mexico

Vacuum centralization means to generate pneumatic energy with one source only, instead of several split rooms. This was the solution preferred by a renowned hollow glass manufacturer in Mexico, which decided to design its new glass plant right from the very beginning. The customer chose two Pneumofore UV100 vacuum pumps equipped with PLC and HMI. The machines have been successfully commissioned during the last weeks at full customer’s satisfaction. The Variable Speed operation of these large pumps allows to adapt – fast and precisely – to the vacuum demand coming from the production. Once the vacuum level is set, here at 350 mbar(a), the rotation speed of the machines changes according to the number of lines in operation. Furthermore, the vacuum flow requirements can change in case of a job change. The extraordinary capacity range goes from 1.900 m3/h up to 12.800 m3/h. Moreover, the indications provided by Pneumofore during the construction phase were completely followed by the local engineers resulting in a generous accessibility during the rare maintenance tasks, scheduled twice per year only.